
Ano, té milé slečně v Olomouci jsem sice slíbil příspěvek víceméně prozaický, ale po skoro měsíci mi z toho nakonec tak nějak vylezl italský sonet s trochu nepravidelným zakončením.
Berte to jako akt vzdoru.

When darkness came to fall atop the maid
and shadows covered city round her waist,
still on my way I was, and with much haste,
so I might spy her beauty in the shade.
And then I saw her body gently laid:
there sweetest mead she'd let me taste
and not a single drop had come to waste,
until at last she was a maid unmade.

While young was she, the night was younger still,
asleep she fell, the queen without a crown,
and morn had yet to pay his promise well
of bringing one more trip of joy and thrill.
Should you one day be found amongst this town,
perchance we both will meet at Citadel.

A ostatně soudím, že by Jediland měl být aktualizován.

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