
Jsem slíbil Odinovi, že jestli dám tu soubornou zkoušku z morfosyntaxu, napíšu mu za to sonet. Protože se mi to fakt až podezřele povedlo a protože v tom prostě byla magie, tady to je. Větší smysl v tom nehledejte, dík.

Of all the Nordic Gods you shine the most,
(an apposition has been idly hidden there)
and surely do you miss the urge to boast,
(for disjunct present, frankly, who would care?)
yet still I feel it's right to thank you here
(for finite forms fall freely with ado)
since none but you has cleansed my fear.
(and some transitive verbs were present too)
At first it almost felt like crossing Hel,
(my gerunds often play their object role)
but with your help my syntax ended well.
(and pronouns here had really simple goal)
The point is still, however, standing same.
that worshipped more should be thine given name.

A ostatně soudím, že Aletheia je kripl a že Jediland by měl být aktualizován.

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